
Solve[eqn, var] solves eqn for var.

Attributes[Solve] := {Protected}


Under development

This function is under development, and as such will be incomplete and inaccurate. The function currently only knows how to solve a few example forms of equations.

Simple examples

In[1]:= Solve[(a + b)^x == y, x]
Out[1]= {{x -> (Log[y])/(Log[a + b])}}
In[2]:= Solve[y == x^2 + 3, x]
Out[2]= {{x -> Sqrt[-3 + y]*-1}, {x -> Sqrt[-3 + y]}}
In[3]:= Solve[2 == x^2 + y^2 + (x + 2*-1)^2 + (y + 2*-1)^2, y]
Out[3]= {{y -> 1 + Sqrt[-2 + 2*x + x^2*-1]*-1}, {y -> 1 + Sqrt[-2 + 2*x + x^2*-1]}}