
base^exp finds base raised to the power of exp.

Attributes[Power] := {Listable, NumericFunction, OneIdentity, Protected}

Simple examples

Exponents of integers are computed exactly:

In[1]:= -5^-3
Out[1]= (-1)/(125)

Floating point exponents are handled with floating point precision:

In[2]:= .5^-10000.
Out[2]= 1.99506e+3010

Automatically apply some basic simplification rules:

In[3]:= (m^2.)^2
Out[3]= m^4.

Further examples

Expreduce handles problematic exponents accordingly:

In[1]:= 0^0
Out[1]= Indeterminate
In[2]:= (1/(0))
Out[2]= ComplexInfinity